How to Get Legally Married in Indiana: A Complete Guide

How to Get Legally Married in Indiana: Everything You Need to Know

Getting married is an and milestone in life. If you`re to tie the knot in Indiana, it`s to the legal and involved in getting married. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to ensure your marriage is legally recognized in the state of Indiana.

Legal Requirements for Marriage in Indiana

Before you can get married in Indiana, there are certain legal requirements that must be met. These include:

Requirement Details
Age Both parties must be at least 18 years old to get married without parental consent. If either party is 17, they must obtain written consent from their parent or guardian. Individuals under 17 can only get married with a court order.
Marriage License Both parties must obtain a marriage license from the County Clerk`s office in Indiana. The license is valid for 60 days and can be used in any county in the state.
Identification Both parties must provide a valid, government-issued photo ID, such as a driver`s license, state ID card, or passport.
Waiting Period There is no waiting period to get married in Indiana. You can obtain your marriage license and get married on the same day if you wish.

Marriage Officiants and Witnesses

In Indiana, a marriage ceremony can be performed by a member of the clergy, a judge, a mayor, or a clerk of the circuit court. At least two witnesses must be present to witness the marriage ceremony and sign the marriage license.

Changing Your Name After Marriage

If you or your spouse wish to change your name after marriage, you can do so by using your marriage certificate as proof of the name change. You will need to update your Social Security card, driver`s license, and other official documents with your new name.

Getting married in Indiana is a process, as long as meet the legal and obtain a marriage. Once married, don`t to update your documents and relevant of your change if applicable. On taking this step in your together!


Frequently Asked Legal Questions About Getting Married in Indiana

Question Answer
1. Can I get married in Indiana if I am not a resident? Yes, you can! Indiana allows non-residents to get married in the state as long as they meet the legal requirements.
2. What are the legal requirements for getting married in Indiana? Both parties must be at least 18 years old, not be currently married to someone else, and not be closely related by blood. You will also need to obtain a marriage license from the county clerk`s office.
3. Do I need to have a blood test to get married in Indiana? No, Indiana does not require couples to have a blood test in order to get married.
4. How long is a marriage license valid in Indiana? A marriage license is valid for 60 days from the date of issue. Once you have your license, you can have your marriage ceremony at any time within those 60 days.
5. Can I get married at the courthouse in Indiana? Yes, many county clerks` offices in Indiana offer civil marriage ceremonies. You will need to make an appointment and pay a fee for the ceremony.
6. Can I use a proxy to apply for a marriage license in Indiana? No, both parties must appear in person to apply for a marriage license in Indiana.
7. Can I get married in Indiana if I am under the age of 18? Under special a court may a marriage to under the age of 18. However, consent is required and legal must be met.
8. Can I get married in Indiana if I am in a same-sex relationship? Yes, same-sex marriage has been legal in Indiana since 2014.
9. Can I get married in Indiana if I am in a common-law marriage? No, Indiana does not recognize common-law marriage. You will need to obtain a valid marriage license and have a formal ceremony to be legally married in the state.
10. Can I change my name after getting married in Indiana? Yes, you can change your last name to your spouse`s last name or create a new last name by using your marriage certificate as proof of your new name.


Legal Contract: How to Get Legally Married in Indiana

Before proceeding, it is important to understand the legal requirements and process for getting married in the state of Indiana. The contract outlines the steps and for individuals seeking to into a legally marriage in Indiana.

Parties Involved The seeking to into a legal in Indiana
Legal Requirements Both parties must be at least 18 years of age and not currently married to another person. A marriage license must be obtained from the county clerk`s office, and the marriage ceremony must be officiated by a recognized individual, such as a judge or ordained minister.
Legal Obligations Upon a marriage, both parties are to uphold the and of a married under Indiana law. This includes obligations related to property, finances, and familial relationships.
Termination of Contract In the that the is the involved must to the legal for or as by Indiana law.

By to this contract, the parties their and to the legal and of marriage in the state of Indiana.

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